Meet the Interns!

Meet the Interns!

Meet the Interns

In Honor of #NationalInternDay, Spoonable Spirits sets the bar high with our spectacular Summer Interns!

Katie and Ryan are current Bucknell University students that each bring a plethora of skill sets to the Spoonable Spirits Team. 


Intern Spotlight: Katie

Hometown: Ridgewood, NJ

Major: Psychology

Favorite Flavor? Whiskey Rolo

What’s your favorite part about working at Spoonable Spirits? "Seeing customer's faces light up when they try Spoonable Spirts for the first time!"

Most memorable moment? "Attending the FoodFest at NYC Pride. The energy was unreal."

What are some of your main responsibilities? "Writing blog posts, working at various events in the New York area, helping in the kitchen and many more! I've worn many hats in the position and have learned so much about myself and what it takes to be part of a start up." 

Intern Spotlight: Ryan

Hometown: New York City

Major: Chemical Engineering and Management 

Favorite Flavor? Rum N' Cookie

What’s your favorite part about working at Spoonable Spirits? "Working with a small team and being able to experience multiple facets of running a small business."

Most memorable moment? "Getting rained out at the Bronx Night Market (think torrential rain, hail, and hurricane-like gusts of wind), leaving, and then coming back. We did surprisingly well! 

What would you tell future interns? "A small business is exactly what it sounds like... a small business. There will always seem to be scarcity in: time, manpower, and other resources, whatever they may be- and that's okay. Be flexible and adapt to exhaustive situations- there are going to be many. Seek ways to generate value as if you were running the business yourself (finding new partners to work with, increasing operational efficiency, etc.). One of the biggest advantages of being a part of a business this size is that ideas can move up and down the chain of command very freely- don't be afraid to speak up and input your ideas. Lastly, there's a big sales component to this internship- don't forget to smile :)." 


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